Thursday, March 01, 2007


After a long absence we are back to share with you what the Lord is teaching us while working for him in this area. The other day when we were picking up the kids from school, we saw Giancarlo and two other boys with one of the teachers. She was apparently correcting one of the boys for something he had done. When Isabella and Giancarlo we asked them about that boy. He said he is my friend and she said that the boy constantly bothered her calling her names. We got upset and said to Giancarlo "why are you hanging around a boy that is obviously a bad example, and on top of that bothers your sister?". He immediatly put his head down and said, "sorry, I was trying to be his friend and this way teach him about the love of Jesus hoping this way he would stop bothering my sister and change the way he behaves".

The Lord teaches us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, but sometimes we have to be reminded of that by a ten year old boy. We share this with you because we know you might be able to identify with us as parents trying to protect our children of bad influences, but at the same time doing exactly the oppossite by neglecting to apply God's word and his commandment to love one another. So the next time we know of someone not behaving the way God would like him too, we first have to ask ourselves our we?. They have the excuse that they don't know of the Lord's love yet, but we are called to show them that love so we better think twice before we say anything other than what God would want, because our kids, the world and God himself are watching.

We love you

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