Saturday, September 23, 2006


September the tenth was a special day for many people. Luis Elmer Cordova was celebrating his birthday. That same day his oldest sister gave herself to the Lord, by confessing him in front of the whole church and getting baptized for the remission of her sins. She was born spiritually the same day his younger brother was born spiritually. Not too long ago Luis's daughter on mother's day got baptized too and back in March his youngest son on Luis's wedding anniversary confess Christ as his savior and got baptized. His whole family and beyond are now in Christ. What a better cause to celebrate on your birthday.

But that day was a special day for someone else as well. Noemi Perla had been visiting with us since last year, and was faithful in studying the word. She had told us about all the suffering she had been through including a very bad divorce and the death of her youngest son. That same September the tenth at the end of the service she asked me to go with her to the front of the church and she confessed Christ as her savior and was baptized for the remission of her sins. When she came out of the water Andy our song leader started singing the hymn "It is well with my Lord". She started whalling and Maribel held her as she got it together. Later she told Maribel that that was the last song she sang to her son on his funeral.

Today there are many souls that can say the same thing. "It is well with my soul". But there are also many others who can't. Let's all do our part to bring to them the word of hope that our Lord gave to us, so that one day soon they can also celebrate and say "It is well with my Lord"

We love you very much.

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