We had planned a whole week of activites focused on reaching out to the lost months before a group of Hot Springs Village Arkansas came, but the Lord showed us that no matter how much we plan we still depend on Him for things to happen. Some of the ladies in the group said they wanted to do a health screening. We talked to three young men that we knew would take advantage of that on hosting it in their communityin Pompano. The day we were going was Thursday evening. We talked to them again that Saturday and Sunday before to remind them we were coming the following Thursday. Everything was fine until Monday afternoon. We had taken Monday as a day off and I received a call while at the beach from Allan one of the young men from Pompano. He told me that their landlord said that if we set one foot in their apartment they would be kicked out. Naturally I told him not to worry about it we wanted to serve not to bring problems.
The next morning I went down on my knees and asked our Lord to lead us to where he wanted the health screenings. That day after lunch Victor Lopez a recently baptized brother came to eat with us from his break from work. I sat down to talk to him and he told me he was sad because he had a friend that had just been convicted for seventeen years in jail, and that his sister who lived in Pompano with five kids was very upset as well. I asked him if he thought she would like for us to go and cheer her up, and do some health screenings in her community. He smiled and called Martha right away and she said to please come. We did not know her, but the Lord knew she was hurting. We had many people that day take advantage of the health screening. Some were fromm Mexico, others from Honduras and some were even from Haiti. We thought of three young men, but the Lord saw a whole community needing His touch. That day Forest and I sat down with Cruz, Jose and Felipe and had a Bible study. This Thursday we will go back to continue our study. Many more are there, and Martha shared with us she has been praying to God for a Church to come and minister to the community.
The next morning I went down on my knees and asked our Lord to lead us to where he wanted the health screenings. That day after lunch Victor Lopez a recently baptized brother came to eat with us from his break from work. I sat down to talk to him and he told me he was sad because he had a friend that had just been convicted for seventeen years in jail, and that his sister who lived in Pompano with five kids was very upset as well. I asked him if he thought she would like for us to go and cheer her up, and do some health screenings in her community. He smiled and called Martha right away and she said to please come. We did not know her, but the Lord knew she was hurting. We had many people that day take advantage of the health screening. Some were fromm Mexico, others from Honduras and some were even from Haiti. We thought of three young men, but the Lord saw a whole community needing His touch. That day Forest and I sat down with Cruz, Jose and Felipe and had a Bible study. This Thursday we will go back to continue our study. Many more are there, and Martha shared with us she has been praying to God for a Church to come and minister to the community.