Mary was chosen by God to bear His only Son. He chose a girl that was willing to do His will according to Luke's account. She must have known what this would mean. She was risking being the talk of the town if Joseph left her. She was risking her own life, because the law would have her stoned. But all she wanted to do was the Lord's will.
Last Sunday was Mother's day. It was Maribel's first celebration as a Mom. We celebrated as a family taking her to eat at her favorite restaurant.....On the border. But the real celebration came later that afternoon. When a young girl from the college group accepted to do the Lord's will in her life and was baptized for the forgiveness of her sins. We all rejoiced as she left her family's own mother's day celebration, to come with her brother Luis Felipe (who was baptized two months ago) and her sister Marieugenia to be baptized by the pool at our apartment. Her aunt and cousin came and two other college guys were present to celebrate with us.
Mary was a good mother we are sure of that, but it was because she was willing to do the Lord's will. Like Cynthia who opened her heart to Jesus and is willing to do His will.
We love you Mom's. Thank you for the love and sacrifice you show us with your lives.