Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Beautiful Stay

With mixed feelings we say goodbye to our family in Christ at the Village Church Of Christ. They are a true example of unity and love in Christ, and we have been blessed to have spent two months with them.
Our good Lord has tought us many things in our time in the Village. The first being that we needed to know someone in the Village to be able to get in there, just as we need to know Christ to get into heaven.
This time we spent here we have seen many changes around the area. The trees have changed from green to various colors such as red, orange, lime, yellow. And we are like those trees in our christian walk. We need to change and be different from the world. In the mornings at the condo where we were staying there is a lake that is covered with fog. But half would be clear and reflect all God's creation. We thought how we as christians should reflect Christ's face as well.
One day I had an opportunity to work with a brother and a friend laying stone in a garden. After five or six hours I was ready to quit, thirsty, tired, and I looked over and saw our car. This car had been given to us this year as a gift and I looked at the sky and said Lord thank you I owe you, a few minutes later I had to take out form the ground three four by four slabs. I used a pick and I had to bring them down hill. As I was carrying them down I looked up at the sky again and I said, "Lord I'm sorry I don't owe you for my car I owe you for my life, for you carried your own cross and you did it for me."
And there are lots of many other things that our Lord tought us during our time in the village. Do not turn off your light, because you need light to see. The light of Jesus will guide you as He did us during our time at this paradise the Village.
We love you Village Church of Christ. We will miss you and the new hispanic work that the Lord has blessed us with. We will pray for you as we know you will for us.
Your servants and the servants of the Lord, Carlos and Maribel Preciado
Mathew 25:34-36